BIG IMAGES. As displays get bigger, so does our demand for viewing portfolios on a full screen. The site is fully scalable to meet the needs of any size monitor. From a tiny laptop to an energy-sucking, 60 inch LCD. Adjust your browser to your taste and dig in. My personal favorite is make the browser a panoramic which unveils more of the next and previous images in the gallery. LiNEAR FUNCTIONALITY. A highly suggested format from Amanda. All of the galleries function from left to right and allow for navigation either one at time or "scrolling" with your mouse. The main goal for the site was show as much work as possible, quickly and easily. My images tend to work as stories when grouped together and the flow of viewing the site definitely plays to that advantage.


LARGE SEARCHABLE DATABASE. There are over 1500, individually key-worded, images on this site. In addition to whats on display in the 6 unique galleries, there many more that exist only when prompted by search. I wanted a way to show more similar work if a viewer requested it and give a direct route to particular photo or photo set. Go ahead, search yourself. Maybe you're in there.


UP-DATEABLE BACKEND. This feature was a must. There’s nothing worse than an out-dated site with no sign of life or new work. The site was built on the WordPress framework, making it super easy to make changes and updates.

SOCIAL MEDIA INTEGRATION. There's no denying that social media outlets are a huge source of networking with friends, businesses and the unknown. Each image on the website is "shareable" on Facebook and Twitter with one easy click.
SEAMLESS BLOG DESIGN. Before, my blog was hosted elsewhere and I had always felt that it was disconnected from the portfolio site. Now it is integrated into the design of the new site. Every post that I've ever made is archived on there. The new layout is clean and is built to showcase a group of images smoothly. PDA COMPATIBLE. This is an obvious must these days. Practically everyone has a PDA and even though they may not do all of their web-browsing on it, the choice to visit a site should always exist. We streamlined the functionality and got right to the point with easy access to all of the galleries and the ability to endlessly scroll through all the images.